How to set yourself to make hooked rugs

How to set yourself to make hooked rugs


Rugs are a great addition to any home as they offer several benefits that are second to none. Carpets not only significantly improve the aesthetics of the room, but also increase its beauty. Additionally, rugs naturally insulate the cold and help keep the room warm, which is especially helpful in countries with colder climates like the US and Canada. In addition, carpets reduce the risk of injury or damage because they are relatively soft and falling on them does not cause much damage, which normal floors do. With that in mind, in this article we are going to focus on hooked rugs because not only do they offer the above benefits, but they are also easy to make at home. If you could learn how to make them, it could turn into a profitable business idea, as these rugs with hooks sell for anywhere from $100 to $1000.


To make a great product, you first need all the necessary ingredients. In this case, we are talking about tools and materials needed to make a good quality hooked rug. These are the things you will need:

A hand hook

Woolen fabric in remnants as it can be easily dyed if it is in light colors like white or beige.

The manufacturing process:

Before starting the actual crafting process, it is imperative that you tick all the boxes below so you don’t have any problems later.

It’s always good to have a good idea or a roughly prepared sketch or draft so you know exactly what to do and there’s no trial and error later.

The second thing to always keep in mind is the measurements and dimensions of the room and decide accordingly whether you want a small or a large rug. The size of the carpet should be in proportion to the size of the room. Otherwise it would be a complete underdog.


I have briefly mentioned the steps and factors that you should consider before you start hanging the rugs. It is recommended that you meet all the criteria when preparing so that you end up making a good quality hooked rug and don’t have to regret it later.

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