With so many flooring options to choose from, most people are faced with the challenge of choosing the best option for their home. While all types of flooring give your home a classic and unique look, there are also those that give a more elegant look. One of the flooring options that you can consider is linoleum flooring.
What is linoleum flooring?
Lino is primarily a short form of linoleum. These are floors made from natural elements such as minerals such as calcium carbonate, linoxyn and other materials. Most people tend to confuse linoleum flooring with vinyl flooring. Although they share similarities, they are both made of different materials. It is therefore important that you seek advice before buying the floor covering.
Advantages of using linoleum floors
Yes, linoleum flooring has been considered a vintage and old-fashioned design for a while. However, most people who have used these floors are happy with the results. Here’s why;
- Price; Compared to other floor coverings, linoleum floors are quite cheap. They are made from natural materials, so they may be cheap.
- Durability; The floors are made of different materials that are combined to create a stronger effect. Buying these floors gives you peace of mind knowing they are built to last. As strong as floors are, durability can be affected by how you maintain floors.
- Versatile; The floors are available in different designs, colours, patterns and thicknesses
- Waterproof; Because of this property, the floors are best suited for places like kitchens and bathrooms.
- Easy to clean; The floors are easy to clean, but you have to be careful about the products used. There are products that can damage floors due to the pH level. Therefore, choose neutral detergents.
Choosing the right floors
With these floors, you need to pay attention to the design and thickness. Because the thicker the floor, the more expensive it becomes. It is also very important that you pay attention to the color and pattern of the floor. You need to choose a design that complements the space in general.